At Andrews Legal, our team of experienced defence lawyers

At Andrews Legal, we can assist your application for a spent conviction

Our team of drug lawyers at Andrews Legal in Perth have vast experience

tealing, Fraud and Burglary and Aggravated Burglary – Our team is highly

Assault, Assault Occasioning Bodily Harm, Grievous Bodily Harm - We are highly

Disorderly Conduct – The offence of Disorderly Conduct, otherwise known

Criminal Damage and Destruction of Property – The offence of Criminal Damage

Murder (Homicide) and Manslaughter – These offences involve the unlawful killing

At Andrews Legal, our team of dedicated lawyers have many years

Driving under the influence of alcohol impairs your ability to safely control

Bail applications – We can assist with your bail applications. Click the

Breach of a Violence Restraining Order or a Family Violence Restraining Order

We are highly experienced in representing both commercial and recreational

Firearms licence applications and revocations - We can assist you with

Australian Tax Office prosecutions - If you are being prosecuted by the ATO