Defence Lawyers Perth

At Andrews Legal, our team of experienced defence lawyers in Perth represent clients who have been arrested for a criminal offence or are the subject of a criminal investigation by police or a regulator. We have over 30 years of experience in defence law. In general, a crime or misdemeanour is any action which offends against State or Federal Criminal Law , and therefore attracts a punishment. We defend people in all types of prosecutions. Our practice areas include:

· Bail applications

· Drug offences

· Assault and Assault Occasioning Bodily Harm

· Wounding and Grievous Bodily Harm

· Breach of a Restraining Order

· Stealing and Burglary

· Money Laundering

· Murder and Manslaughter

· Sexual Assault and Indecent Assault
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Our Defence Lawyers Are Here With You Every Step Of The Journey

Once you enter a plea, your matter will proceed to either trial or sentencing, depending on how you plead. In WA, most serious offences are tried before a jury. If your matters proceeds to trial, there is a risk that you will be found guilty. That is why it is essential that you engage with our capable, experienced defence lawyers right here at Andrews Legal in Perth. In many circumstances, we may be able to negotiate a plea agreement with the prosecution whereby you agree to plead guilty in exchange for concessions from the prosecution, which may include some of your charges being downgraded or discontinued.

Being charged with a criminal offence is a daunting and potentially life-changing event, and the consequences can run long into the future. It is important to have an effective defence lawyer to ensure that your interests are fully represented in court and that you get the best possible outcome.

Why Choose Andrews Legal?

Our defence lawyers are highly experienced and have a long history of representing clients in high profile cases. Unlike many of our competitors, we specialise exclusively in criminal law. We can appraise your case, advise you of prospects of success at trial and represent you at a trial or sentencing hearing. We skilfully marshal the facts and the law to expertly defend you and maximise your prospects of being found not guilty and to obtain the best possible outcome from sentencing.

To arrange an initial discounted consultation with one of our defence lawyers in Perth, contact us at Andrews Legal today on (08) 9221 2991.

What criminal law services does Andrews Legal provide?

· Review the facts of the alleged offence and advise you of the pathway your matter will take through the courts.

· Review the evidence against you and the evidence in your favour and advise of you of the prospects of successfully defending the charges at trial.

· Advise you about whether you should co-operate with the Police investigation by providing a Police interview or written statement and advise whether you are required to provide information such as passwords to your mobile phone or computer.

· Engage in negotiations with Police and the Prosecution on your behalf to determine whether there is any prospect of your charges being downgraded or discontinued.
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Can Andrews Legal advise me about defences?

Yes our expert team will be able to advise you whether a defence may be available in your case. If you are have been charged with an offence or are under investigation, it is important to understand the types of defences that are available in Western Australia by speaking to an expert criminal lawyer. Below is a summary defences that are available in Western Australia.


You may have a defence to a charge of doing a harmful act, such as assault or wounding, if the act was done in self-defence.

· Provides a complete defence to offences involving violence.

Requires belief that it is necessary to defend self or another person, subject to subjective and objective test:

(i) Subjective: believed act was necessary to defend self or another person.

(ii) Objective: reasonable grounds for that belief.

Act done in self-defence is subject to a proportionality test, which is both subjective and objective:

(iii) act done in self-defence must be reasonably necessary and proportionate;

(iv) Subjective: must believe the act is necessary in the circumstances as the person knows them, having regard to:
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Can Andrews Legal advise me of my rights?

Yes. If you are under investigation for an offence or have been charged, it is very important that you contact our criminal law experts to obtain legal advice about your rights. Some of your rights are explained briefly below, however, it is important that you speak to an experienced criminal lawyer to obtain advice specific to the circumstances of your case.

Right to Silence

If Police wish to speak to you about an offence that you are suspected of committing you are entitled to exercise your right to silence and to make no comment. If you exercise your right to silence, a court and jury cannot draw any negative conclusion from the fact that you have exercised this right. In most circumstances, by giving a Police Interview you are putting yourself at a significant disadvantage because you are committing to an explanation before you have had an opportunity to scrutinise all of the evidence and obtain legal advice from a lawyer about the effect of the evidence. If you provide an explanation to Police that you are innocent of the offence, they are not required to use your interview at your trial. You will not be able to use your interview because the rules of evidence prevent you from leading evidence of a prior “self-serving” statement. For this reason, it is generally to your disadvantage to give a Police interview and the safest approach is to make no comment.

In most circumstances, if you are suspected of an offence you are not required to provide Police with any information other than your name, date of birth and address. In limited circumstances, Police have the power to compel you to provide an answer and it is an offence fail to comply, for example where you are the owner or person in control of a vehicle that is suspected of committing an offence.

Right to speak to a lawyer and obtain legal advice

If you are arrested by Police or questioned as a suspect, you have the right to speak to a lawyer before speaking to Police. It is very important that you exercise this right before speaking to Police.
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