Disorderly Conduct Lawyer Perth

Disorderly Conduct – The offence of Disorderly Conduct, otherwise known as Behaving in a Disorderly Manner in a Public Place includes: (a) to use insulting, offensive or threatening language; and (b) to behave in an insulting, offensive or threatening manner. The maximum penalty available is a fine of $6000. Following recently changes to the law, most Disorderly Conduct charges are dealt with by an infringement rather than a court hearing.

The most common defences to a charge of Disorderly Conduct are:

  1. The person was not behaving in the manner alleged;
  2. The behaviour would not be offensive to a reasonable member of the public.

If you have been charged with Disorderly Conduct click the ‘contact us’ tab to book a special discounted initial consultation for 45 minutes ($190). We provide straightforward and dependable legal advice, forceful representation and our fees are highly competitive.

Read more about disorderly conduct in public.

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